Friday, February 1, 2008

How does it look today in Khao Lak?

Sita Garden (4K)Every tourist who comes now to Khao Lak is totally surprised!

The region of Khao Lak, which was struck by the Tsunami so violently, has recovered incredibly fast. Not only international hotels are up and running, even the relatively small resorts of Bang Niang Beach and Nang Thong are back in business, and they look nicer than ever.

Sita Garden: Bungalow A3 (6K)Along the main streets of Bang Niang and Nang Thong, shops catering for all needs can be found, banks (with ATM), restaurants, small bars, grocery stores, laundries, photo shops (with film developing service), all giving their customers a friendly welcome.

Bang Niang Beach (3K)Here now in Khao Lak everybody finds that along with the beauty, peace and tranquillity of the area, there is the incredible hospitality, low prices and delightfully clean, deserted beaches. The Tsunami-warning system is now fully installed, tested and working.

Massage am Bang Niang Beach (3K)The new situation regarding Khao Lak is still known only to regular visitors and residents. However, the word will soon get about!!

Bang Niang Beach (4K)Bang Niang Beach (4K)Sunset am Bang Niang Beach (4K)

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